Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Betta Fish Care

Betta fish are originally from Thailand in Southeast Asia. These breed is fresh water.

Bettas gulp air from the water's surface to help them breathe. You will see your Betta slowly swimming toward the top of your aquarium or bowl to exchange the air in their so called labyrinth organ.


There are many types of betta fish, but usually you will find these 3 types of in the most fish store. They also come in many colors and style.
The Plakat is a main type of fish which include all short-tailed Betta. 

  • Halfmoon: These fish has the tail 180 degree spread. Flared but tail length is short.Crowntail: where the tail is either rounded or with a 180 degree spread and with elongated rays giving it a "spikey" appearance but the tail length is short

  • Veil: This type of tail is long, with a long anal and dorsal fin also, and droops down from the caudal peduncle. This fish is not included in plakat category.

    How to keep them:

    Don’t keep 2 bettas in same bowl or tank. They tend to have aggressive mode for each other.  Because they are territorial you can only keep one Betta with non-aggressive fish in a community tank or by themselves in a tank. Multiple female Bettas can live together in tanks. Females should be kept away from males, as the male can chase and even kill the female if she is not ready to breed.

    • Get a big bowl or tank for your betta so it can spread around easily. Better the environment the better of chances for them to live longer. They tend to live 3 to 4 years and they can grow about 3 inches.
    • Water must be maintained between 74° and 85° Fahrenheit. In houses with cooler temperatures, you will need both a heater and a thermometer to maintain the proper temperature.
    • When housing a single male Betta in a community tank, a good guideline for water volume is to have two gallon (8 L) of water for every 1" (3 cm) of adult fish.
    • Bettas have delicate fins, so should not be housed with aggressive fish species or with fin nippers, such as tiger barbs. Avoid using rough decor or sharp-edged plastic plants with Bettas.
    • Install small filter in your tank. Don’t use powerful filter, it can be dangerous to betta’s fins.
    • After my instruction, if you are still going to put your fish with betta, please watch them for at least few hours. Watch heir both reactions and if they act weird that’s the sign to separate them.

    Please do not get anything like these for your Betta. It may look good, but very unhealthy for your fish.


    • Bettas are carnivorous and can be fed flake or pelleted food. DO NOT OVERFEED THEM. It can lead to death. Bettas also enjoy eating frozen or freeze-dried bloodworms, tubifex worms, mosquito larvae and daphnia. When feeding Bettas frozen food, please make sure that it is thawed.

     How to Maintain Their Habitat:

    Daily Maintenance

    • Feed a small amount once daily.
    • Check that water is kept between 74° and 85° Fahrenheit.

    Weekly Maintenance

    • Change the bowl water weekly, making sure that it is dechlorinated and at the correct temperature.
    • Make sure that the environment is free of debris.
    • Scrub any algae that accumulate on the glass.

    Monthly Maintenance

    • For an aquarium-dwelling Betta, vacuum gravel and perform a 25% partial water change with dechlorinated water.
    • Test water quality in an established aquarium. PetSmart will perform a free test if you bring in an aquarium water sample.
    • Maintain filter (replace cartridge, carbon, rinse pre-filter, etc)

    Please Look Out for these Fishes. They might be small, but they deserve Better. 


    how to take care of betta fish, take care of betta fish, my betta fish care, my betta fish, food for betta fish, house for betta fish, water change for betta fish, tank for betta fish, bowl for betta fish.